





Your Hospital
$ € Cholecystectomy
Your Surgeon

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Gallstones, Gallcolics, Cholecystitis, Gallbladder, Surgery at low Cost plus a Vacation in Munich/Germany for US Citizens are the key words of this site.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, especially for foreign patients,  by an experienced and Board-certified surgeon in Munich/Germany . I am also specialized for operating English speaking residents of Germany. 

Dr. Uz Steinhilper


I operate with the newest laparoscopic equipment, including titanium clips for the closure of the gall-cystic duct. Nevertheless, concerning costs, a flat rate of Euro 4200.- covers all in- and out-patient Hospital- and Medical- service. Quality control according to the BLKA is a must in my operating practice.

Dr. med. Uz Steinhilper (+)49 (0)89 8892 20527 or (+)49 (0)89 8892 2395.
Consulting Hour: Every Thursday 8 to 10 am
Center of Minimal Invasive Surgery, Munich-Pasing
Department of Surgery, Steinerweg 5, 81241 Munich Germany

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